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Registration Fees

eventOne charges a per-attendee fee on Registration and our payment gateway, Stripe charges a per-transaction fee. Here is everything you need to know.

eventOne Fees

Our fees are typically 2.5% + 99¢ for per-attendee and free for free tickets (pricing may very depending on your plan).

Our fees can either be absorbed into the ticket price (so the attendee doesn't see them) or they can be passed on to the attendee.


Fees are calculated in cents and rounded to the nearest cent.

fixedFee * numberOfPaidAttendees + orderTotal * (percentageFee / 100)

Example 1

Someone registers 1 attendee for a $45 ticket. Fees are absorbed.

// calculated in cents
99 * 1 + 4500 * (2.5 / 100) = 211.5 // rounded to 212

The attendee will be charged $45.00, we will deduct $2.12 and you will receive $42.88.

Example 2

Someone registers 2 attendees for a $30 ticket. Fees are absorbed.

// calculated in cents
99 * 2 + 6000 * (2.5 / 100) = 348

The attendee will be charged $60.00, we will deduct $3.48 and you will receive $56.52.

Example 3

Someone registers 2 attendees for a $30 ticket. Fees are passed on to the attendee.

The attendee will be charged $63.48, we will deduct $3.48 and you will receive $60.00.


These examples do not include Stripe fees.

Stripe Fees

At the time of this writing, Stripe charges 2.9% + 30¢ per-transaction for regular payments or 2.7% + 5¢ per-transaction for card-present payments. You can find more details on their pricing here.

Stripe's fees are always absorbed and not passed on to attendees.